Fall 2001: 7th Issue


"Come, let us all be friends for once,
Let us make life easy on us,

Let us be lovers and loved ones,
The earth shall be left to no one."

Yunus EMRE
(1241-1320 /or 1321)

with love, peace and light... LM.

Article, Interview & Fiction
°For A Bright Future
°Old Wei & Young Wei, p.6
°News from Brian FELSEN
& Elif SAVAS

°Love Episodes
°Building up Strong Muslim
Umman, p.2

°Democracy In Islamic Perspective
°With Clifford JACOBS: QPTV, p.2
"We live by The First Amendment

°The 3 D's of Light Millennium
°Wind In The Sand
°Selçuk Perin: "You are what you
conceive yourself..."

Aftermaths of September 11th

°No More Victims: A National
call-in to END the WAR


°Mr. Kinzer claims that a truly
democratic Turkey

Direct Actions:
°Illicit Meeting 
°A Perspective on Afghanistan
°U.S. Military Can Learn From
Russia's Afghan Disaster

° WTC - "The Price Is Worth It."
°Turkish Ensemble's Concert in Yerevan Was Success

°Letter of this issue


°Selected Poems of Cuneyt AYRAL
°Yunus Emre's Humanism

°My soul is Turkish

°I am a New Yorker

°Profile of the Participants
Research Project:
°Act of Publishing:
"Publish or not to Publish."

°Announcement of the Readers
This issue is dedicated to such distinguished artists and author as (alphabetical order):
We will be celebrating the second anniversary with the Winter-2002 issue. Deadline by January 7, 2002
*.*.*.*.*.*.*. Your Award Results .*.*.*.*.*.*.*
"The Light Millennium TV and Internet Magazine

You are proud of your work, and you should be! Your hard work has won you the most popular and sought after award available."
Dated on June 21, 2001
This e-magazine is under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, Inc., which was granted a
NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization status based in New York since July 17, 2001.
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